What is a kit template and how can I create them?

Kit templates allow you to pre-define what a kit should comprise of, before being handed out to users. This helps ensure kits are built with all necessary components before going out to a user. For example, prior to a photography shoot, a user might need different lenses, cameras, tripods, lights, etc. Kit templates allow you to define all those items in the form of a template checklist.

You can use the mobile app, (and desktop site) to scan barcodes allowing you fill the kit. As items are scanned, the required items will check off automatically showing you each item added and items still needed.

When on the kits, page click “Create New Kit

Then, click “Create Template

Then, towards the bottom you will see buttons for “Add Asset Component” and “Add Accessory Component“. This is how you tell the system which items are required for this kit template. For example, to add a Camera asset, click “Add Asset Component” and enter a number of how many cameras, then make sure that the category of “Cameras” is selected. If you want to add an accessory such as Digital SLR Chargers, click the button “Add Accessory Component” and enter a number for how many Digital SLR Chargers are required and make sure that “Digital SLR Chargers” are selected.

On the asset components, you can click “Add Filter” button and define an asset specifically by a field value. For example a “MacBook Pro with 16GB of RAM”.

Click “Save Kit Template” when done.

You are also given a “Potential Kits Count” which tells you how many kits can be made based upon the requirements in the template and the available items in your account.

For example, you can have a template, “Employee Workstations” requiring:

  • One MacBook Pro with 16GB RAM
  • One MacBook Pro Charger
  • Two Dell Monitors

Based upon items available in your account, Reftab will show you how many “Employee Workstation” kits can be assembled.

Next, you can now start checking out your kit templates to users. Simply open the Reftab mobile app, pull up the kit template and scan each required item. An instance of the kit will be created.

The kit will then be on loan. It will also appear on the loans page and on the loanee record.

Kit Template

To view all users who have an instance of your kit template, click on the kit template on the kits page and simply scroll down to see the table:

For any questions reach out to help@reftab.com